
2024, APRIL 2ND

2024, April 2nd - Brad Sondahl

April 2, 2024

Meeting at Sedlmayers:

Present: Carol Ferguson, Mona Stafford, Mandi and Colin Conway, Brad and Althea Sondahl, Marc Kroetch, Karen Carpenter, Becky Demers, Becky Morse, Lana Young, Mitzi Michaud, Lynn Pasloe, and Lisa Arnold…

Treasurers’ report:

Received $1001 from NITA repaying our Outdoor show expenses

Expenses: USPS postage 18.05 + 27.20 for flyers

$2185.25 current bank account balance…

Member news:

Carol Ferguson, The library is planning for summer events starting June 1.

Karen Carpenter— She is expecting a very busy summer—warns about reducing home fire danger…

Becky Demers: Gritty Land Development has been building retaining walls, also they have been doing home and garden shows, and raffled a day’s excavation. Foxadoodle farm had 14 piggies, last month–all are sold. They butchered 5 pigs, now sold sold in $100 packages, or sausages and bacon separately. They have their greenhouse started, and rendered lard is available..

Lana Young: The winter was winter slow but has gotten a lot busier. She has made some stickers

available for $0.75 cents each with Spirit Lake Idaho on them…

Lynn Pasloe and Lisa Arnold for Lakeland School District There is a new spring registration starting May 1, rather than at the end of August. They have flyers promoting change this available. This may help with planning for fall…

Marc Kroetch : Just available: 200 sq ft office space in the Mercantile building. Contact Marc for more info.

Althea Sondahl: The historical society museum will open at the end of May.

Mona Stafford: Community center had a little Easter egg hunt in the housing behind the center. It was well received by the residents and will probably be done again next year. They are working on a craft/farmers market 4-7 Thursday evening downtown, by Little Park on 4th avenue. Still working on finalizing the plan.

Shane with Intermax (he brought swag bags to the meeting) They are restarting installs soon, including on Nautical Loop.

Mitzi Michaud with Parks and Rec: Kootenai kayakers are hosting a information festival, including Invasive species, kayaks,etc. at Fireside Park on the 1st Saturday in June… There are 200 kids in soccer, and she is working on summer planning for camps, rental office, and now hiring for summer workers. 1st movie cosponsored with Intermax will be Goonies in late June…

Mandi and Colin Conway. Winter events are ending– April 10 will be the last pairing meal British 7 course meal .including Colin’s parents bringing Scrumpy Jack hard cider from England. Paint night with Abby will be April 17, April 24 the mystery Murder at the Sedlmayers Juice Joint speakeasy. The are hiring for summer… Mother’s Day will be their opening Sunday brunch… Trivia is still on Sundays for now…

Sondahl pottery. Brad worked out how much time goes into one of his mugs by monitoring all phases of 80 mugs. The answer is 5 minutes (and 50 years)…

NITA flyer distribution:

Carol got some figures from a pamphet distributer. After discussion it was decided to focus on East West traffic, and we will hopefully have a plan to vote on by next meeting…

Heart and Soul Conference. Mona and Becky went to a two day conference on small community development. Mona reported one focus was on changing the narrative in the community focusing on the positive… Oakesdale had an old barn to make into a community center, and have been working with Innovia to make that happen. Innovia gives grants up to $30,000 and expert advice to help with community development. They also are working on endowment to make funds more widely available.

Becky said of the conference: They were encouraging us to improve the town, tourism and community pride… Other topics: What makes people come back to their hometown? How to keep money local…

Heart and Soul started on the East coast trying to improve their communities, and started sharing what works with other communities…

Bonnie Morse Brickel Creek is now serving Soft Serve cones starting April 1st, dairy free, gluten free, tastes just like ice cream, Chocolate dip possible in the future… The back room is available to be rented out. Open 7-5 daily…

May meeting will be at the Fire Station again.

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Membership Info

Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

Give us a call or send us an email with your questions regarding businesses in Spirit Lake Idaho.