
2024, JUNE 4TH

2024, June 4th - Brad Sondahl

June 4, 2024

Meeting at Sedlmayers started at 8 am

Carol Ferguson, Mona Stafford, Mandy and Colin Conway, Brad and Althea Sondahl, Becky DeMers, Karen Carpenter, Mitzi Michaud, Shane from Intermax, Charlene Phipps. Guest Arianna from Cedars Restaurant..

Treasurers’ report:

Expenses: $2 statement fee,

USPS box rent $84 Certified folder distributors $880.65 (Send bill to NITA for reimbursement)

$1597.75 account balance

Trail account $790.59

$176 made to set up trailhead portapotties PandP company

Member news

Sondahl Pottery noted a trend toward lower sales so far, although summer is the real measure of sales for local businesses.

Charlene Phipps said the city will be having open discussions on current issues. Also there is a fake code officer going around, taking photos on properties. Report to the police if seen.

Mona Stafford said the community center has reduced hours to 1-6 for the current time. The Fit and Fallproof program is very well attended, now even some men are attending.

Mitzi Michaud: Summer starts this weekend. She will be at the lakeside rec center quite a bit training in new recruits.

From 10-2 this Saturday at Fireside Park there will be an equipment swap, safety training, and invasive stickers will be available for sale.

Arianna from Cedars drive in. just attended to check us out and listen, has owned the Cedars business since last September…

Becky Demers: Foxadoodle still anchoring the farmer’s market, ready to butcher pigs. Gritty Land Development is very busy currently, may volunteer to assist the city to install a pickleball court.

Shane from Intermax: continuing to intall fiber on Nautical Loop and in town.

Colin and Mandy Conway—Mother’s Day was as usual the busiest day of the year. They’re now having music from 5-8 Thursdays and Sunday from 12-3. The RV park will be full by the end of June. They are fairly fully staffed but losing a couple this week, so they’re looking for workers 16 years old and older and will train…

Karen Carpenter, She has been shuffling customers to the right programs, as a lot of companies are dropping coverage… The fire risk in this area is making companies increase costs also.

Carol Ferguson: The library is working on their budget for the next year, the county board is complicated, but we continue as best as we can in Spirit Lake… Chess club is 3-5 first Tuesdays at the Community Center.

Althea Sondahl: The open house May 25th at the museum was well attended (around 40). There were 2 speakers—Paul Hamacher and Tim Dolan talking about old times at Spirit Lake. Museum hours through September are from 1-4 Saturdays, with a music jam on the first Saturdays…

There will be ace cream social again on Labor Day. She noted that Sedlmayers was a source for social activity on the lake as it seems to be again as well..

NITA news: Visitor guides are being distributed. Need to send for reimbursement…

Place for Chamber meeting. Thanks to both the fire hall and Sedlmayers. After discussion we agreed to meet at Sedlmayers till October, then at the Fire hall for the winter…

Market on Maine—It appears to be some helping in the business community. Vendors are happy and returning, and there are new inquiries… They are now offering sponsorship levels from $1-1000..

One free nonprofit booth can be set up per week. Foxadoodle is doing adding guest sales to their booth, like baking. Miranda from Amanda’s Nails promoted her nail business there. There is a lot of cooperation between vendors…

Verla Reed might be a good contact for games for kids… Bean bags, jenga, fish game. Facebook reaches lots weekly with a thousand followers for the market page…

Mona reported on the Community Coalition—She and Becky attended the Innovia Community Heart and Soul conference a month ago Innovia issues grants to small communities with coaches to guide their use. They also have Webinars for grant possibilities. The goal of the Community Coalition is trying for positive narratives in the community. Recently the group oversaw adding ew chips under swings in the Big Park, powerwashing some areas, and repairing picnic benches. The group meets at 6 pm on first Wednesdays at Cup of Grace (at least this month)… The group wants to inspire leadership for city challenges…

Becky did an update on the Historical Preservation Commission. Urban renewal approved money for NW Vernacular to prepare a survey of historical sites in Spirit Lake… This should start in July. The town of Wallace did that survey as have other area communities.

Charlotte Phipps is working on Meals on wheels, and will be sending letters out for gifts and donations in Sept or October to benefit cost of the meals… The current cost is $14/meal, and donations are needed to cover it… Corporate donors would be useful as well. Silent auction before evening meal… Sedlmayers offered their space for the event, and prospects for that look good

Meeting adjourned 9 am..

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Membership Info

Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

Give us a call or send us an email with your questions regarding businesses in Spirit Lake Idaho.