
2024, AUGUST 6TH

2024, August 6th - Brad Sondahl

Aug 6, 2024

Meeting at Sedlmayers started at 8 am

Present: Carol Ferguson, Mona Stafford, Mandy and Colin Conway, Brad and Althea Sondahl, Liz Krise, Becky DeMers, Lisa Arnold , Heidi from Harmony in Motion Massage

Member news:

Mona Stafford: is now representing Spirit Lake Community Coalition—will talk later about it…

Lisa Arnold: Lakeland District School—Spring registration didn’t work too well, so they are still registering now. The schools will be running a levy in November since the current one will be running out otherwise. Schools can now only have levy votes November or May. This will only be the supplemental levy. There are two facilities bills on the ballot—#292 is a tax relief bill. There will be no facilities funding from this bill. Bill #521 is about modernization of the facilities. If the levy doesn’t pass, we won’t rerun it, but will have to let people go. Spirit Lake Elementary is getting a facelift and new windows. It also has a new TPO membrane roof. Overall, enrollment is going down—families can’t afford to live here, more retirees are moving into the area.

Becky DeMers: Gritty Land Development is very busy, Foxadoodle Farm: she has her first time with giant greenhouse, it’s been very successful, with excess vegetables selling at the Market on Maine. Even on slow days at the Maine Market they are doing well. Freeze dried candy is popular.

Heidi from Harmony in Motion Massage She is located from the dentist, where there is also a nail salon and lashes.

Althea Sondahl: Historical Society board meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 4 at the museum and interested people are welcome to attend. Coming up there is the All school reunion Aug 23rd at Big Park 9 or 10, a great place to meet the old school members. She is hoping young data gatherers will attend also to learn stories…

Labor Day 1-3 free Museum ice cream social with hopefully with Ole Hohman (Ole’s family bought the holdings of Panhandle Lumber) at the museum. We may also have Harold Skinner speak and we will definitely have old time music.

Spencer Howard is arriving today from Northwest Vernacular working on a historical preservation plan, will speak at the Planning and Zoning meeting tonight… Funded by Urban Renewal funds. Spirit Lake Property Owners Association meets at the high school this Saturday 9-10 social, 10 o’clock meeting. You don’t have to own lake property to join the group…

Mandi Conway from Sedlmayers The RB park is still full every weekend through August, restaurant running full, reservations are recommended on the weekend. The menu varies from burgers and fish and chips to lamb shanks or beef Wellington…

Carol Ferguson: There’s a new director and there are changes in the works for the library district.

Colin Conway: Sedlmayer’s air conditioning went out, so they are managing with smaller units until the central unit is replaced.

Brad Sondahl: The pottery is doing great, with shelves emptying faster than I can fill them.

Liz Krise: Spirit Lake Community Coalition is going very well, and they’ve added a new Facebook page. (more later from Mona)

Treasurers’ report:

Portapotty rental at trail head $ 132

International Selkirk Loop annual membership $110

$894.15 current balance

Trail fund balance 786.59

Alsot there was a $2 statement fee

Market on Maine update: Becky said it slowed some with the heat, so there are fewer vendors but they are doing well (all on the shady side)… There is a good community feeling within the vendors. There are now 6-7 vendors down from 12 or 13. She still wants to encourage collaboration with downtown businesses. Facebook is the main source of marketing. They try to avoid competing with Maine Street businesses.

Liz and Mona: Spirit Lake Community Coalition

The coalition is working at increasing cooperation between local food agencies, improving communication in the community, influenced by Heart and Soul which helps build community at a national level. The Orton Foundation offers the Heart and Soul template to improve your community. Innovia is involved in the western US. Becky and Mona attended a workshop, and follow it on zoom meetings now. There are 20 or more organizations getting involved in the coalition. They want to involve PTA’s as well. Current and future project ideas include the arts, outdoor spaces, downtown, working on park benches and play area, replacing dead trees downtown.

“We are not political, just want to help. We would like to hear what people love about Spirit Lake.

There are funds we can access when we are organized.”

The coalition meets on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6 pm at the Community Center . Becky is the designated project coordinator. They want us to create an endowment to build community. They have started working on online newsletter and can be printed and distributed at Miller’s. Lisa said flyers can be distributed through the school.

NITA funds remain—deadline August 30th

We currently have over $1000 left in our tourism money. The group voted to use these funds, to start designing the next tourist brochure. Update: Brad has contacted Ricia at NITA and we’re making sure how much we can spend before the deadline, as well as having all our previous expenses reimbursed…

New business:

Someone suggested asking the VFW to use their booth for a visitor center.

October Meals on Wheels fundraiser, There was a rumor that Sedlmayers wouldn’t host it, which is not true. The community center is working on it, but having some difficulties.

Christmas Parade yes or no? Carol does not want to handle arranging it again. Someone thought Jeneva might take it on.. More discussion on this tabled to next meeting.

News Shorts: Parks and Rec Fall Festival IS happening…

On Sept. 7 new ownership will reopen the Whitehorse.

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Membership Info

Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

Give us a call or send us an email with your questions regarding businesses in Spirit Lake Idaho.