

Premium Members

2024, October 1st - Brad Sondahl

Spirit Lake Chamber of Commerce Oct 1. 2024

Present: Carol Ferguson, Colin and Mandy Conway, Mona Stafford, Brad Sondahl, Dave and Liz Krise, Karen Carpenter, Debbie Carpenter, Becky DeMers. Bonnie Morse, Leonard and Gavin Morse from SLBC, Christy and Max Liese

Started at 8

Member News:

Mandy Conway: After Labor Day they did not have the big slowdown this year. The focus now is on planning special events Pairing meal for Fall on Wednesday Oct 2. Senior Dinner and auction will be Oct. 16 Wednesday, at 6 pm, buffet style with dessert auction, and a live and silent auction. Tickets are $50 each, contact Sedlmayer’s for reservations. Mandy and others are doing desserts. There is a QR code at restaurant to sign up.

Colin: Next project is moving the dock across the lake for winter…

Mona Stafford: The Community Center serves a lot of needy seniors, so they really appreciate community support. Meals cost more than they can charge… Meals on wheels are much in need.

Part of the Spirit Lake Community Coalition is to create an arts community—this week at the Presbyterian Church Out of the box entertainment music on Friday 6:30 starts 7 intermission. They are talking about a Christmas production. The Popeye Rose group will be entertaining on Friday

Oct 12 at Blanchard Comm. Center, they will do a Halloween themed play Polterheist.

Brad Sondahl: Sondahl Pottery is doing fine. The clay supplier is cutting back on the high fire clay Brad uses, so he ordered 4000 pounds to be delivered in October which must be stored at room temperature… He mentioned the Historic Survey (link sent out in separate email)

Dave Krise His company is Frogspit, he came to see if the Chamber is really benefiting businesses.

Liz Krise She explained how the SLCC group combined from being a food distribution coordination group to being a general support of Spirit Lake.

Christy Liese: The Presbyterians are looking to expand use of the Pres. Church, beyond the current Blessing Room, and AA program and Sunday use of the church.

Lana Young: She is providing local health care, and admits she needs better signage. She provides DOT exams, and is excited to certify for Functional Medicine—she is trained in western as well as natural treatment now. She does wellness visits as well as sickness, but does not accept insurance. She offers a sliding scale for services.

Bonnie Morse: Brickel Creek is surviving, and she appreciates special days that bring in more customers. The Market on Maine was useful for her, and the softserve was popular, is dairy free, not available in the winter. She will be closed Mondays for winter. Brickel Creek supports Cup of Grace.

Leonard Morse with SLBC The Harvest Festival on Oct. 31 from 5-8 includes a cakewalk, free kids clothing, and is free and open for everyone. Last year 586 people came. The church also does a Spring Carnival for school kids, and has programs for the high school.

Karen Carpenter Insurance—costs for insurance are going up fast. Her offices are located in Priest River and Spokane. She is working on Medicare issues also.

Debbie Carpenter Spirit Lake Fire—Please reach out with events and if you want Fire Department support. We teach CPR also.

Becky DeMers. Representing Foxadoodle Farms and Gritty Land Development, Market on Maine, and other local organizations. At the close of the Market on Maine, she surveyed the vendors, and also wants views from customers. The Historic Preservation Commission will meet Oct.21 at 6:30 at City Hall NW Vernacular will be there also. The public is invited

Urban Renewal has around $700,000 to spend in the last year. To use it, you must have a plan, contractors, timeline, and meet the deadline.

Gritty Land Development is very busy doing driveways, trees, shops, barns, septic system ,and retaining walls. Foxadoodle is busy Harvesting, working on greenhouse. Baking cookies for Friday event. Pork Is available: whole, half, $100 package, or sausages. ‘

Carol New hours: New Director will evaluate. Delivery system is shut down due to contract issues.

Minutes from Sept. meeting:

Mona moved, Bonnie seconded to accept the minutes. Passed.

Treasurer’s report:

Short loan was made to pay for Keokee and get repaid by NITA 1000 from Brad.

$1109 was paid to Keokee for work on the next visitor’s guide.

880.65 NITA repaid for guide distribution. $1000 to repay Brad’s loan.

Portapotty $132. $421 left in account (still to receive $1109 from NITA)

Trail Account $784.59

Brad moved, Mona seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. Passed.

Election of Officers:

Colin Conway was elected to President

Brad Sondahl re-elected as secretary

Carol Ferguson was elected as treasurer.

Board at Large members: Becky, Karen, Bonnie, and Dave

Unanimous vote.

NITA news:

Visitor guide, same basic format, want new pictures of the town, lake, send to Carol carolf@communitylibrary,net.

Dave spoke for working on the brochure, and whether the Watertower vs Lake should be on the cover. Dave agreed to work on the brochure.

Other discussion:

Lana has a young person doing aesthetics and works with social media on Instagram. This was in response to ways to reach out with local business info.

SLCC Coalition has a phone hotline 208 912 1222. You can hear a recorded message of activities.

(October calendar from SLCC is added as a photo at end of minutes).

Bonnie asked about support for the Christmas Parade– the city has fees for closing streets etc. Last year the $100 fee City council members donated.

Leonard discussed the value of positive events in the community. SLCC is working on manned visitor center for next summer possibly on the parking lot for North Idaho Tire and other small businesses.

Mitzi wants help with the fall festival. Leonard told of a tv commercial helping a city which featured summer scenes shown in the winter. Tiger TV brought up also as a way of producing an ad.

SLCC Coalition is working with Innovia—a funding source for small towns (was used to promote Wallace). They may get a grant process going.

Amendment: As a result of the election, regarding our Interstate bank account:

Remove Diane Gardner and Helen Campilli, and add Colin Conway, who is the new president.

Adjourned 9:02

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Membership Info

Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

Give us a call or send us an email with your questions regarding businesses in Spirit Lake Idaho.