

Premium Members

2024, December 3rd - Brad Sondahl


Stephanie from SLPD, Charlene Phipps, Dave and Liz Krise, Brad Sondahl, Carol Ferguson, Debbie Carpenter, Mona Stafford, Bonnie Morse, Lynn Pasloe , Mitzi Michaud, Becky DeMers, Bonnie Morse.

Meeting opened at 8 am led by Carol Ferguson

Meeting news:

Brad Sondahl (Sondahl Pottery)—The pottery was half as busy in sales in November compared to last November, probably due to the rainy cold weather…

Bonnie Morse (Brickel Creek Coffee) : She prefers if no coffee trucks are brought in for events, please… Her refrigerator went out ,so she got a new one, and it decided to freeze the refrigerator compartment recently…

Becky DeMers (Foxadoodle Farm and Gritty Land Development) They are getting ready for winter and have 14 baby pigs born in recent months. Gritty Land Development is building a shop on New Hampshire and another project on Washington.

Charlene Phipps; There will be a Budget meeting before the city council meeting next week

Stephanie with SLPD. Lots of presents are coming in, getting ready to host people on Saturday before the lighted parade…

Kristi Liese (with SL Community Coalition and Presbyterian Church) Free Spiritz Christmas music concert will be at the church next Friday Dec. 13 at 7 pm. They are also planning on caroling in coordination with the Historical Society. The caroling date and time are still to be set. She will coordinate with Althea.

Liz Krise (SLCC): N. Idaho Innovia is donating $1000 check to the SLCC, and have been watching their progress in the community. They will attend a meeting next Wednesday at 6 Comm. Center, and all are encouraged to come to show their support…

Lynn Pasloe ( Lakeland School District)—she has had health issues until now. The district is looking at cuts and navigating the new economic climate. Idaho funds school different from most states. The bond lost by 246 votes. Th levy can only be run twice a year. 87 % of the voters voted in the last election, and it was close but the school feels it reflects voter preference. There has also been a decline in enrollment recently…

Mitzi Michaud with Parks and Rec. Basketball is going now, and adult volley ball is running, youth volleyball is full. Indoor soccer in January is full. 5-8 basket ball will be starting later. Winterfest is in planning. They are participating in the tree of sharing—35 families or individuals will be receiving gifts. She noted that the Houser FD is doing a fundraiser with proceeds for an injured child…

Emily Regimbal (Community Center) She is the new director for the Community Center, and is still getting oriented . There is a need for more members on the Community Center board, and would like some business involvement…

Mona Stafford SLCC 150 Thanksgiving boxes were distributed with help of high school students. Now we have to restock before Christmas, as well as after Christmas, so food donations are appreciated. Donate to the food bank, and the boxes will be assembled at Church on the Solid Rock. You can donate on Wednesday for the town food bank, on Thursdays for the Spirit Valley Food Bank, also you can donate at Cup of Grace or the Community Center.

Dave Krise: (Frogspit)He doesn’t sell retail, but wants to support local businesses, so is now helping with graphics and ways improving our business support.

Carol Ferguson ( for the SL Library): This Saturday there will be a storytime at 4 at the Library, and they will be in the parade. The parade starts at 6, 5:30-5:45 lineup, open to all, also there will be the Cocoa crawl– Police Department will give out a sack and cocoa cup, and 8 businesses will provide stamps for attending as well as parts for the cocoa. Those completing the crawl will be eligible for a drawing for a new sled from Millers for grand prize. 3:30 is the time for Santa visit at the Police Department. Entries will be accepted until the PD office until Monday at 4 for the drawing…

Carol reported on a recent Chamber board meeting called by Colin:

Membership forms will be on the website, but we are still looking at rates and benefits, looking to have solid benefits for businesses including—events, advertising, etc. Post Falls and Rathdrum Chamber members have offered to come and give us guidance on how to function as a Chamber of Commerce.

Next year will be our 30th anniversary of our Chamber—we could note it on our stickers or have an event related to it in June.

Keokee will refund our deposit for brochure design, which should then be redirected to Dave Krise.

There is debating whether to continue with NITA. There was discussion at the board to consider radio ads, combining more with the farmer’s market, or a wine tasting event.

Following that Brad spoke in favor of remaining with NITA, and Dave Krise argued we could spend our money more effectively without being constrained by NITA guidelines. No action was taken.

There was some discussion of hindrances to business locally, and Mona brought up the book :13 ways to kill your Community, which talks about a negative attitude towards business as detrimental to small communities.

There was some discussion of a way to advertise events locally. The SL Coalition is working on a website and dial up info available with a phone call. Also they will have the Visitor booth with brochures next summer…

A Homecoming parade was mentioned as a possible fall event…

Debbie Carpenter is leaving the Spirit Lake Fire District in December, so we need a new location Bonnie Morse offered the Brickel Creek Coffee back room So our next meeting will be at 8 am on January Seventh at Brickel Creek Coffee …

Meeting was adjourned at 8:43

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Membership Info

Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

Give us a call or send us an email with your questions regarding businesses in Spirit Lake Idaho.